SM Biplob

Teacher, Programmer, Digital Marketer

Having completed my study from an institution approved by the British Council, an exam conducted by the Cambridge University of England, I was appointed as a teacher of an English Medium School to teach English grammar, and language as well as professional computing courses such as SEO, SMM, EM, ARTICLES WRITING, MICROSOFT OFFICE, WEBSITE CREATION WITH WORDPRESS, E-COM SITE, VIDEO CREATING AND EDITING e.t.c. However, I started to teach them English with my own unique techniques "Grammar Diagram" which made English easy to learn. As a result, I became the favorite teacher of that school to all of the students. So with my absolute confidence and experience, with punctuality and strong capability, I completely do my duty with honesty. As a result, I suppose to be the perfect candidate for the job.

As a Graduate on Computer Science and Technology

As I am going to complete my graduate on CST, I have captured some programming languages such as C, C++, JAVA, C#, and HTML, CSS, I currently developing Games with unity.

So, I believe, I am well decorated with professional quantities. So, I felt compelled to submit my resume for your consideration.

My skills


English Teacher

Rajshahi, Bangladesh

When I was a student at "O" level, I started to teach English in a coaching center. I did this job up to my "A" level completion. As the coaching center was doing well, the Owner converted that coaching center to an English Medium School. In that School, I was a senior English teacher used to teach English grammar and language as well as computers.

  • Teach English Grammer
  • Teach error free English speaking
  • Teach error free English writing
  • Essay & debate competition
  • Senior English Teacher for 3 Years
  • Essay & Debate Competition Management
  • English Speaking Environment Creation



I used to develop an android app. Now, I develop games with Unity. If you check out my portfolio section you will see I have added some videos of my games project. I use C# for the scripting and I create some assets with the Blender.

  • Game Level Design
  • Game assets creation with blender
  • C# scripting
  • Game publishing
  • C# programming
  • Unity
  • Blender

Online Business Developer

World Wide

Online Work Done Profile(What People Say About Me)

As I was a Virtual Assistant, I used to do everything actually, Whatever he needs. whether it's online or offline. whether its about business or others. I have even done the Math homework for his son. Anyway, I use to manage All online business task, such as, SEO, SMM, SEM, DATA ENTRY, ARTICLES WRITING, MICROSOFT OFFICE, VIRTUAL ASSISTANT, PDF CONVERSION, PSD TO HTML, FORUM MAINTAINANCE, WEBSITE CREATION WITH WORDPRESS, E-COM SITE, SM(social media)HANDLING and MARKETING, VIDEO CREATING AND EDITING etc. I started working as a worker, Later on he made me his brother. I think I was the most trustworthy person on the team maybe that's why.

  • Do and Maintain almost everything Whatever CEO needs online
  • Video Editing
  • SEO
  • EM, SMM, website e.t.c
  • SEO
  • SMM,EM



  • 01.07.2021 Bachelor's Degree

    School: Hangzhou Normal University Major: Computer Science and Technology Degree: Bachelor's Degree
  • 29.11.2015GCE "A" LEVEL

    Cambridge IGCSE is the world’s most popular international qualification for 14 to 16-year-olds. It is recognized by leading universities and employers worldwide and is an international passport to progression and success. Developed over 25 years ago, it is tried, tested, and trusted by schools worldwide.
  • 12.05.2013GCE "O" LEVEL

    IGCSE,GCE (2013-2015) Cambridge University The General Certificate of Education (GCE) is an academic qualification that examination boards in the United Kingdom, exam conducted by the Cambridge University of England.